Sea Plus Plus

Friday, October 3, 2008

New Web2.0 Outlook HTML Signature

...just edited ma self a new Outlook HTML Signature that incorporates my main web2.0 references. (sample can be see here although it may not render well in your browser but it does better in Outlook)

Not that easy, tricky a bit and satisfactory.
Inspired by a close friend of mine Joseph Dell whom i worked with in Insightix.

Under the hood

(basic HTML background is recommended for those who wish to keep on reading)

The phone, email and fax icons are based on the "Wingdings 2" font "7" and "'" characters that i believe to be included in any basic windows installation (so it may not be that compatible with WebMails, Mac and Linux - it'll be seen as "7" and "'" instead...)

To have a twitter or friendfeed icons, id suggest to browse through, save locally, upload to flickr account as public images, and have it href'ed respectively.

If you wish to have one for yourself, see instructions below


(Outlook 2003 compatible - i know it should work much the same if applied in 2007 although some labels and screens might have been changed)


Right click HERE and choose "Save link as..." name it: "sig.htm"

1. Open Outlooks options from "Tools"
2. Choose the "Mail Format" tab
3. Click the "Signatures" button
4. Then "New"
5. Name your new signature
6. Choose "Use this file as a template", browse and select previously saved sig.html file.
7. Click "Next" and apply the new signature to an account of your relevancy.

1 comment:

Oren Sea said...

just found a firefox tool to creating a webmail signature.

try it in: